
Spatial First Differences

Working paper and replication code.

Algorithms for implementing SFD:

Example of papers that have employed our method:

Seminar presentation introducing the SFD design.


Anti-Contagion Policies and COVID-19

Publication and Supplementary Information (Nature)

Code and data:

Selected media coverage:

Global, High-Resolution Estimates of the Human Development Index

NBER Working Paper.

Download HDI Data.

Replication Code.

More information on MOSAIKS, the satellite imagery and machine learning tool used to generate our high-resolution global HDI estimates.

Wetlands, Flooding, and the Clean Water Act

Publication and Supplementary Information (AER)

Code and data:

Op-ed on findings and recommendations

Webinar for practitioners and policymakers

Slides for academic audience


Spatial First Differences

Working paper and replication code.

Algorithms for implementing SFD:

Example of papers that have employed our method:

Seminar presentation introducing the SFD design.


Anti-Contagion Policies and COVID-19

Publication and Supplementary Information (Nature)

Code and data:

Selected media coverage: